Work Experience

Research Scientist

02/2021 – to date

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Haystack Observatory, Westford, MA

  • One of my primary responsibilities is to assess the quality of data obtained from the VGOS sessions correlated at Haystack and provide feedback to our group, when necessary, to improve the quality of the session. I ensure that we provide quality VGOS products to NASA on time. I also check if the database can be imported and processed using commonly used VLBI processing software such as VieVS and nuSolve, and produces consistent geodetic results. This is an important task because we want to continue being a leader in the field of VGOS correlation.

  • I am also responsible for researching and evaluating the usefulness of VGOS product (over S/X Legacy product) in geodetic positioning and estimation of earth rotation parameters. This will be an important contribution to the geodetic community which will help the VGOS network grow larger in the future.

Postdoctoral Associate

02/2018 – 02/2021

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Haystack Observatory, Westford, MA

  • Researching to generate a better Terrestrial Reference Frame

  • Develop a computer program to reduce site position error after adding atmospheric information

  • Develop a method to increase a inter-technique ties(GPS, VLBI, SLR and DORIS) at the colocated sites

  • Contribute to the next ITRF (ITRF 2020)

Research Assistant 08/2012 – 12/2017

Queens College, City University of New York, NY

Earth and Environmental Science Department

  • Analyzing data using statistics and numerical modeling of GPS and Tidal data in MATLAB

  • Contributed research for 1 published articles on seismic hazard analysis

  • Analyzing and interpreting results from geochemical data obtained from U/Th analysis of coral to decode the paleo seismic history

  • Performed Electrical Resistivity survey in the field

Staff Associate 06/2014 – 08/2014

Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, NY

Marine Geology and Geophysics Divisions

  • Designed and improved the survey electrical resistivity survey technique

  • Contributed research for 2 published articles on Geology of Bangladesh

  • Processed electrical resistivity data in EARTHIMAGER and elevation survey data TRIMBLE BUSSINESS CENTER

Project Manager 09/2011 – 08/2012

Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Dhaka University Earth Observatory

  • Successfully developed Seismographic Network in Bangladesh with 25 seismographs and 18 permanent GPSs (Global Positioning System)

  • Supervised 2 drilling teams conducting subsurface mapping

  • Performed electrical resistivity survey and high-resolution elevation survey in Bangladesh with Vanderbilt University research team and Columbia University research team

  • Processed the seismic data with ANTELOPE software and GPS data with GAMIT/GLOBEK

  • Providing training presentations to different cities to create seismic hazard awareness

Project Supervisor 10/2010 – 09/2011

Center for Geo-services and Research, Dhaka, Bangladesh

  • Successfully mapped peat layer drilling 1200 holes by 20 feet hand auger

  • Supervised Standard Penetration Test (SPT) team, and Cone Penetration Test (CPT) team

  • Conducted shallow seismic and Electrical resistivity for mapping the engineering layer.

Exploration Hydro-geologist 01/2010 – 10/2010

Institute of Water Modeling, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Water resource management division

  • Improved method for fresh water aquifer exploration using geophysical techniques, drilling boreholes and analyzing borehole logs

  • Supervised 300 m deep drilling for water aquifer exploration

  • Conducted water quality monitoring measuring on site parameters in monitoring well

  • Modeling fresh water aquifers using borehole data and pumping test data with DHI MIKE SHE software


01/2007 – 09/2009

Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Dhaka University Earth Observatory

  • Conducted site feasibility study for installing seismographs and permanent GPS

  • Installed and maintained seismographs and permanent GPS (Global Positioning System)

  • Processed the GPS data with GAMIT/GLOBK and Seismic data with ANTELOPE

  • Constructed an earthquake catalog by picking P and S wave arrival time from the seismometer waveform record


01/2004 – 12/2007

The Daily Bhorer Kagoj (one of the national newspapers), Dhaka, Bangladesh

Feature devision

  • Responsible for publishing weekly feature pages on Science and Automobile

  • Worked in the Metro (weekly) group